University Profile:

East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) is a top research-oriented university in China and one of the top 5 universities in Shanghai. The university is located in the southwest of Shanghai, a center of commerce, finance, culture and industrial production of China. ECUST is comprised of more than 1.7 million square meters on 3 campuses. Our research group is in the department of Computer Science in ECUST and we are mainly working in the downtown campus in Xuhui District, Shanghai.

Research Interests:

In our research group, our general research interests mainly focus on the areas of Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence over big data, particularly big financial data and big biology data . Our research group work closely with multiple discipline national research key laboratories, such as State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering and National Engineering Laboratory for Big Data Distribution and Exchange Technologies.

In this year 2022, we are looking for the excellent students to apply as the master candidates for our “China Scholarship Council”(CSC) scholarship positions. The selected master candidates are expected to enroll in our master program in September 2022.

Full scholarship covers:

Tuition, standard of living allowance in China, on-campus accommodation and comprehensive medical insurance.

Partial scholarship covers:

Tuition, on-campus accommodation and comprehensive medical insurance.

Requirements for applying CSC scholarship:

  1. Bachelor’s degree certificate and transcripts
  2. Photocopy of passport
  3. Research proposal
  4. English Requirement: English proficiency TOEFL≥80 / IELTS≥ 6 / Native English speaker / English as the medium of instruction for undergraduate program
  5. Two recommendation letters from associate professors or professors